A few days ago, in the holy month of Ramadhan, I was purging from 11AM up to after Isyak (the late evening prayer). Every few minutes, I would hurry to the toilet. At times, I did not even make it to the toilet. I lied down in bed, the whole day. Any slightest bowel movement would see me rushing off like a squirrel!
It could have been the food that I had bought the previous night at the bazaar. It was heated and eaten for Sahur (is taken before the beginning of Fajr. Zaid bin Thaabit said, ‘We took the Sahoor with the Prophet. Then he stood for prayer.' Anas asked, ‘What was the interval between the Sahoor and the Adhaan?’ He replied, ‘The interval was sufficient to recite fifty verses of the Qur’aan.’ (saheeh of bukhaari)).
It could be due to unhygienic preparation or bad ingredients. However, as I went on purging, I did not break my fast. Even when I did, I purposely did not want to take any medication to stop the purging. I broke my fast during Maghrib with dates / kurma and took plenty of mineral water.
Why I had not wanted to stop the purging? It is because my body system was trying to cleanse itself of the poison and bacteria that had overtaken my stomach. Stopping it would mean stopping the cleansing process.
A simple herbal tea from HPA did calm down my stomach. If you are purging, do not eat, as eating would add the load to your stomach. Drink plenty of liquid or mineral water, you may add a pinch of edible rock salt to a bottle of 600ml of water.
"In our daily lives,many people experience gastrointestinal discomfort for so long, they eventually adjust to it. Some feel their digestive system’s poor function is normal.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Your foundation of good health lies in proper digestive function. Assimilation of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and essential fatty acids from the foods you eat is essential for you to stay healthy.
If you are unable to digest and absorb crucial nutrients, your overall health will suffer… not just your gastrointestinal system.
In fact, you may not know that the majority of your immune system lies within your intestinal lining. The bottom line… your gastrointestinal tract is your first line of defense against invading pathogens, parasites, and infections." excerpt from Dr. Mercola.
Therefore, do not accept digestive discomfort and treat it as normal. Get to know more of your body system. InsyaAllah, Tuhfah Resources will be holding a 2 day seminar on "Getting to know your body system". That will be in another write up soon.
HPA HERBAL TEA contains 35 sachets , RM20. Delivery RM4 for Peninsula Malaysia. Good for cooling the body system, overcoming diabetes, high blood pressure, decreasing uric acid, stopping headache due to migrain and cleansing the body system naturally. Prevents cardiovascular problems. Good for women with menopousal symptoms and osteoporosis. Made of Hydrocotyle asiatica.
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